Our Vision
“Building Bridges of Hope”
Our vision of Building Bridges of Hope is about linking people and organisations to provide long term and ongoing benefit to our beneficiaries.
Our Purpose
“Make People Feel Better”
Our purpose is to Make People Feel Better by bringing hope and satisfaction to both our beneficiaries and supporters.
Principles and Values
Our Guiding Principles
Courage to begin the journey.
To go forward and challenge one self and others.
Compassion to live the journey.
To understand, value and act for the wellbeing of all.
Commitment to complete the journey.
To persevere and achieve our goals.Our Values
To do the right thing no matter what the outcome
To respect differences and work together for the common good of all
To be professional, courteous, friendly and respect the confidentiality of all
To strive for excellence and continuous improvement in everything we do
To be well prepared and believe in our ability to put plans into action
To develop resilience in ourselves and in people around us
Caring To care for ourselves to care for others